Clinged-to shirts that still have their babies smell on them, dirty from farm work and pungent with cologne. Lift that casket lid for one more kiss, how do you kiss your child for the last time? Shovels full of dirt clinking, hymns rising, teenage boys weeping. Even as I type, I close my eyes and I'm back there, I can see it all, the sea of black clad weary bodies with puffy eyes and broken hearts. Headaches from crying too much. How do you honor a half-lived life? For many, grief was at the bottom of a bottle or the end of a joint, a fight against a God who did not save. For others it was on a hiking trail, deep exploration with their questions by their side. Therapists chair, Pastor's prayer. For me it came in a deep sense of acknowledging this life I am in, the life I have left, the life I have been gifted. I will savor this life I am in.

We all know that life is hard. Life is no joke. Sometimes it's terrible and awful and unfair and weighty. It's glorious and mundane. Holy and hard. Heaven and hell all mixed up. We are where we are, so be where you are. Dip into the colors that are your life as you know it because it's yours. Dark yet lovely. Your life is a masterpiece. A brutaiful, (brutal + beautiful) masterpiece.
I believe that there are tsunami years and lying-on-hammock years. There are months of calm & months of cold, wet seas with shredded sails. Life is not easy, but it was meant to be LIVED. "Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley. But always, if we have faith, God will open a door for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us. " (A.J. Cronin) Although our circumstances and hearts are all at difference places, our senses connect us as humans. Even though we may be in a dark place, we have light shining out of the ordinary. Here are some of the practical, everyday ways I've found most helpful in using our senses to capture this sneaky little thing called a well-lived life:

Make a little extra food at dinner and take a plate-full to your neighbor, just because. When you're at the grocery store and have some extra money, buy a frozen meal or a quick prep meal, call a friend on your way home and tell her not to worry about dinner!
Use the "good dishes" for everyday! Don't have any good dishes? Try Goodwill or Grandma's attic, garage sales or auctions. There are thousands of plates begging for a second chance at life! If they break, there's always more. My Mother collects beautiful dishes and according to her "food tastes better if you eat it off a pretty dish!"
Let your children help you in the kitchen, not everyday and not with complicated stuff, but involve them. Let them help put the groceries away or place the apples in the fruit drawer. Give them "taste bites", (as we call them) while you're making dinner. Let them cut their own banana into slices with a butter knife, (and see how proud they feel)! Let them pour the cereal into their bowl, (and pour the milk too if you're brave). Teach them how to help themselves...which in the long run, helps you! Just like with anything, if you can take the time to teach them, they will take the time to learn! My Mother always said that children can do more than we think they can, we just have to be willing to let them do it!

And lastly, this video is worth every minute of your time. You have precious minutes in the day and I promise you, you will not regret spending them here. I am thankful for you, Neighbor, for the time you take to read here and be here. And I hope today that your senses can show you how beautiful your life truly is!