We live in an old farmhouse with 3 bedrooms and 4 children so I've naturally had to come up with a few tricks and tips that have worked for me through the years of growing a family of 6 within 1300 square feet. Here's a little rundown on how I organize what I value:
Here are a few things to consider getting rid of today:
- Old linens and towels. January is a great time to buy new sheets and towels because they're on sale. Be nice to yourself and spend a little more on a higher thread count if you can. They'll last longer and be more enjoyable along the way.
- Magazine collections. If you're like me, you've got one too many sitting around. If you don't want to trash them, take them to your local library. Most libraries have a free bin of goodies for others to enjoy.
- Kitchen drawers and cabinets. Dive into that black hole otherwise known as the kitchen gadget drawer. You may be surprised how many "doubles" you have in there or how much of it you rarely use.
- Socks & Underwear. Instead of spending this next year pushing all those "less loved" pairs around, just get rid of them now. We all know we have some that are too tight, too big, too barely there or too scratchy! Stop skimming over them and just toss 'em!
- Makeup: take inventory of what you've got. If it's so old that you can't remember when you purchased it, throw it out. For more guidance in knowing what makeup to keep and for how long, check out this article.

But through the years I've found that there's a stillness that can come with order. Whether or not it stays that way isn't the point. I've had to learn, and relearn, to not be discouraged by the constant undoing of my order. I guess it's just important to remember that what surrounds us does affect us inwardly. It may feel daunting to tackle the mess, but it's usually worth it in the end. And the fact is that even with all the tricks and color coordinated bins, life will still spill out onto the floor - after all it was meant to be lived, not stored!