The above is my personal story so, of course I haven’t yet tackled this project due to a severe case of procrastination, instead opting for the same darn black yoga pants, T-shirt and hoodie… you know, for layering purposes. I mean let’s be honest, even when I do open those doors and stare into the abyss of clothing I always hear myself mutter the same thing anyway… “I don’t have anything to wear.” If you too are in need of FACING THE CLOSET don’t go it alone. Together, we will get the job done and you can open your closet doors with confidence!
Over the years I’ve assisted many a successful woman clean out her closet, purge her wares, define her style and discern how things should look and fit on her shape. I still haven’t figured out why it’s so easy to help others do a thing that is so hard for me! So, as I write I’m planning on trying to take my own advice (I beg you not to check-in with me later as I’ve no guarantee I will put these helpful tips to use and I’ll thank you now for not noticing the yoga pant/hoodie combo the next time I bump into you unexpectedly at Target!)
Let’s Get To Work!
I am going to have to ask you to try on EACH PIECE OF CLOTHING no matter how painful that request may be! It’s the best most sure-fire-way to know whether it’s a keep or get-rid-of piece of clothing. Whatever it is you are trying on must fit you well. We are not saving pieces for a rainy day, like: if you gain or lose weight, decide you may like it better later, or because it’s an “around-the-house” shirt etc. Each piece of clothing should make you feel good about yourself when on your frame, if it doesn’t GET RID OF IT! Clothing that “fits well” means; it flatters your figure.
Please get rid of it if:
- You’ve not worn it in the last year and you always look at it and pass it over. If you don’t love this piece of clothing now you’re not going to love it later.
- A shirt is baggy and your “girls” are completely lost in material or is so form-fitting you see more than you want to in both your chest and mid-section area.
- Your pants are at all too tight or too lose, for the love, toss ’em in the pile. Also, if you can grab the crotch of a pair of pants when on, please…. In the pile they go! {Bottoms should fit comfortably at the waist which means you can sit down in them and still breath without gaping in the back and leaving a gap between your pant and lower mid-section. }
- You are petite and your skirts fall mid-calf. For your height, at the knee or slightly above is what you’re going for. If you sport a longer leg then you can experiment with length. I believe most of us can pull off the maxi dress/skirt look (which is trending again this season).
- You've had “these” shoes for years, but they've seen their better days. Or, you've had these shoes for years and they’re collecting dust in the back of your closet. Just keep the shoes that you can wear with everything (cute n’ comfy nude flats are a sure winner as well as a great pair of black stilettos or pumps, all-purpose black or brown riding boots and for the summer a pair of metallic thongs will do the trick!)
- You like the color, fit and style of _______ but you have nothing to wear it with. I’ve learned that if you’ve not yet paired it with another piece in your closet you probably won’t. It’s best to just get rid of it then hold on to it and never wear it (unless it hold sentimental value, i.e. your wedding dress) in which case you can call on the All-Mighty on behalf of your indecision, or JUST GET RID OF IT!
Ladies it’s better to have a bare closet and a few pieces that have mates and can be mixed–and-matched then a full closet of “nothing to wear”. Through this purging process you will be surprised at how your personal style surfaces. If you are seeing a non-color pattern in your wardrobe – yes, I’m talking to all of you black, white and grey wearers (navy blue does not count as adding a color to your closet) be brave, step out and add a bit of color! You've figured out what looks good and feels good on you, now you can add a splash of color. Maybe it’s a yellow cardigan, pink ballet flats or darling brightly colored skinny jeans/chinos that fit you just right!
Here are a few last tips as you’re putting back your “keep” pieces…. Hang you clothing in a way that makes sense to you. Some options are: color-coding, order by style (i.e. all cardigans together), or a combo of both! I've also found that space-saving hangers are really lovely and help in retaining order and neatness in a closet (you can buy these inexpensively at Wal-Mart).
Do what works for you, don’t over-think things, go with your gut and before you know it you will have faced down the Goliath in your room and won!
What’s trending this summer:
- Black and white
- Sheer Blouses
- Structured pieces
- Anything Metallic
- Jean
- Bright Colors (this includes neon and pastels, the color green, like green grass, is really big this spring too!)