As I’m sure most of you know, it’s 2014! That means that it’s time to make some crazy promise to yourself about fitting into your pre-baby skinny jeans or boycotting sugar at least for this month. Right!? Wrong.
You certainly may have those goals, but regardless of what size you vow to be at the end of the calendar year, I want to share with you a few tips on how to make – and keep – 2014 lean and green.
Think about your relationships for a second. Insert stereo screech here. I know, I know, you thought this article was about healthy living, not some lame Cosmo rendition of ‘How To Keep Your Man’. It is, just run with it...If you’re like most, you probably have relationships that are uplifting and filled with reciprocating joy, as well as those (as unfortunate as it may be) that are emotionally exhausting and toxic. Yes? Well, I’m proposing that your relationship to health and fitness is no different, and you get to choose just how successful that relationship will be.
Think about your relationships for a second. Insert stereo screech here. I know, I know, you thought this article was about healthy living, not some lame Cosmo rendition of ‘How To Keep Your Man’. It is, just run with it...If you’re like most, you probably have relationships that are uplifting and filled with reciprocating joy, as well as those (as unfortunate as it may be) that are emotionally exhausting and toxic. Yes? Well, I’m proposing that your relationship to health and fitness is no different, and you get to choose just how successful that relationship will be.
So without further ado,
10 Lessons To Learn In Order To Have The {Wellness} Relationship Of Your Dreams in 2014:
10 Lessons To Learn In Order To Have The {Wellness} Relationship Of Your Dreams in 2014:
- The first step is never easy. Do I ask him out? Or do I wait until he notices me? Is that being too forward? Or is that what the modern-girl does these days? Intimidation, fear, anxiety...these feelings are often shared by first time gym-goers. That first step is a risk! It’s scary and sometimes daunting but your biggest accomplishments are celebrated successes not simply because you finished, but because you had the bravery and the commitment to begin. It’s a sure thing that you will never get anywhere worth going if you are too afraid to try.
- All the practice in the world won’t yield perfection, and that’s OK. You are going to make mistakes. Ask any couple married for...well, any length of time and I’m sure they can tell you about the bumps and bruises of relationships. Maybe you started a new diet yesterday and your fingers are covered in potato chip grease even as you’re reading this article. Welp, you failed. And that’s OK. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to be someone who messes up on occasion, wipes herself off and grows from her experiences. Practice won’t get you perfection, but through enough mistakes made and lessons learned, it can get you pretty darn close.
- All good things come quick and easy. Yeah...No. Think about your goals. Are they not goals because they are ambitious challenges, requiring ambitious effort in order to become a better version of you? Why then, should we expect a BIG goal to demand anything less than a BIG effort? Good things come to those who work hard, fight like champs and demonstrate perseverance. So pick a goal (run your first 5K, eat a green vegetable every day), and don’t give up! Because the longer you persist, the better your chances of succeeding.
- The power rests on your shoulders. Seriously. Your biggest battles start and end in your head. The happiest people in the world are that way because they choose to be. Success is a result of two things: First, the way you think, and second, the way you act as a result of the way you think. Have you ever seen someone who said, “I can’t” who could? Exactly. The same applies to you. Can you lose 20 pounds? Do pushups on your toes? I haven no doubt that you can, but, do you?
- No man is an island. (read as: woman) Imagine a relationship without support, without accountability and without the giving and receiving of constructive advice. Does that sound like a healthy partnership to you? You can’t expect your relationship with fitness to be any different. Create a support team. Share your goals and ambitions with friends and family. Heck, share them with your gynecologist! Find a professional to guide you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The pursuit of health and fitness is a team sport. Find yours.
- Change is necessary. What happens when a relationship gets stale? You stop talking, grow complacent and your love life ceases to exist. Unless you want to turn into a wife who stops shaving altogether and forgets what “sexy” feels like, you have to mix things up! Diet and exercise operate on a similar principle. Do the same thing all the time and get the same results. If you want to see something new staring back ‘atcha in the mirror, you have to do something new. Try a different class at the gym, make a new recipe or try going meatless on Mondays. Be wild. Spice up your routine!
- There are gains and there are losses. Not every experience will be a good one. Maybe you gained weight on your last diet or got injured training for your last race... Every encounter, good and bad, can teach you something. Why do we have the bad? So that we might be better able to appreciate the blessings. Learning how to eat well instead of just eating less, crossing the finish line of a race you dropped out of the year before are victories made victorious, in part, due to the struggle. Embrace the gains. Embrace the losses.
- You get out what you put in. We’ve all waited hours, twiddling our thumbs, before calling or texting that guy back, simply because he took too long to reply in the first place. I can’t possibly be the only one who’s done that. Let’s make the decision to stop cheating ourselves! If you want something, go get it! If you dawdle around and make diluted commitments, guess what!? You will get watered-down, less-than-stellar results in return. Your health, the way you feel and the way you look is a direct correlation of how hard you work. Make big commitments, bust your butt and you’ll be sure to have a nice one.
- A little glitter goes a long way. Paint those lips red and pucker up ladies! It’s no secret that sometimes the littlest things can make a big splash. Don’t underestimate the power of loving yourself. Find a way to reward the small victories. Treat yourself to a new workout top for every month you stick to your fitness plan. Reward your successes with healthy, non-food related, treats. Did someone say deep tissue massage!? Be good to yourself. Mind, body and spirit.
- Love: acceptance, honesty and commitment. Be open and honest with yourself about your current situation. Are you overweight? Struggling with an eating disorder? Out of breath when playing with your kids? Map out not only where you are currently, but also where you want to be and the steps required to get there. Like any relationship, it’s complicated! Set your goals and refuse to let go. Commit to loving yourself this year so that you can better love those around you.
It’s 2014. This is YOUR year!

Nicole has her Masters of Science in Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health from the University of Bristol, England. She is certified through AFAA as a Personal Trainer. She is also certified in SPINNING and BODYPUMP. She enjoys cycling, jumping rope and practicing yoga. She lives in spandex and wouldn’t have it any other way. Check out her healthy inspiration at